Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Current projects for Elizabeth Andrews and Serene Iseley

It's been pretty busy around the workshop lately, but fortunately I'm getting things done. I just wrapped up some projects for Elizabeth Andrews and Serene Iseley

For Elizabeth, I made a pair of custom-fit long bondage mittens in beautiful soft black lamb. 

They should complement the hood I made for her nicely. 

Also for Elizabeth, a zip-closure armbinder in shiny black patent leather. 

 For Serene Iseley (who sent along this fetching image of herself in one of my straitjackets taken by Kevin at Straitjacketed.com), I made a classic custom-fit laced armbinder in a soft black leather. 

I'm really looking forward to seeing these new items put through their paces. And please ladies, any feedback you have for me would be greatly appreciated...


  1. I can't wait to see both of the items. Thank you so much!!! I'm so excited.

  2. I will have have photos in the arm binder for you by the end of next week :) Thank you so much!

  3. Saw the red and black straight jacket and thought, "OMG, kinkiest Star Trek:The Next Generation uniform EVAR..."

  4. Yes, we've heard that comment before, after posting images of that jacket on Fetlife. I'm blaming Kevin at Straitjacketed.com, who commissioned the jacket and had that idea for the color break. Any resemblance to space-fantasy costumes is purely coincidental!

  5. Where to buy this red straitjacket?

    1. Sorry Dexter, I'm no longer taking orders for custom work.
